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The purpose of this Maven plugin is to prepare and trigger test runs on AWS Device Farm.

Maven goals

The following goals are available:


This goal will upload the app package (apk or ipa) to AWS S3 for further use within Device Farm. The arn of the uploaded file will be exposed as a Maven property appArn for use in further build steps.


This goal will upload the test package (zip) to AWS S3 for further use within Device Farm. Its arn will be exposed as a Maven property testArn for use in further build steps. Refer to the AWS documentation for details on how to package this file using Maven.


This goal will upload extra data (zip) to AWS S3 for further use within Device Farm. Its arn will be exposed as a Maven property extraDataArn for use in further build steps. AWS Device Farm will extract the contents of the extra data zip file to external data for Android or the app’s sandbox for iOS.

Sample configuration

You can find a sample configuration below. In real-life applications you might want to use properties instead of hard-coding the values into the pom.xml.


            <!-- see -->
            <!-- these will be set by the previous goals -->

Execute with mvn verify


Martin Schneider,